About Rose
My training began in the late 1990's in my search for healing to my ailing body. I was exhausted on all levels & found craniosacral therapy by accident as a last hope. In a matter of a few sessions my perspective shifted from hopeless to hopeful. After a few years of receiving personal sessions, I began training with a group taught by Dr. Ron Wish, a healer with an affinity for nature & traveling across Asia. His formal education in technique was under John Upledger. I concluded two levels of training with Dr. Wish for Craniosacral therapy (CST) and Somato-emotional release (SER). Both the introductory & masters course spanned over 5 years with an emphasis on intuitive development.
Once trained in CST/SER I did not leave corporate America for another 15yrs. Working in the pharmaceutical industry afforded me the chance to fly around the world. These 2 worlds (corporate & healing intuition) collided in my heart which left me conflicted & my “less than cheerful attitude” was the result of my leaving the company in 2009.
I was a good employee but I had an immature attitude. An ability to support healing the human body with an “immature nature” is not ideal to growing an honest character of excellence. I thank God for his walk with me to continually maturing my heart, mind & spirit to having a more grateful attitude. That same year ITM was the massage school of choice for western/Swedish (NJ Lic.) & 2015 for the fundamentals of eastern medicine/Shiatsu (NY Lic.)
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*Additional information - Re: Passion & Mission, Rose Duhig, LMT
While learning anatomy, physiology & massage, I recalled how the original bodywork I was taught had a profound impact on clients. For some reason I did not take this lightly & I decided or rather wanted to “grow up”. Mature. At the time, I thought that meant emotionally when over a decade later I realize we grow emotionally after we put in the effort to mature spiritually.
Although massage is becoming more relevant in the medical world many facets of bodywork still fall under what is characterized as “new age medicine”. Training or licensing upkeep is usually done in both domains. Before graduating I made a personal commitment to “add” theology or, at the time, it would be more appropriate to say “add the bible” to my life. To me that meant going to church, bible study & attempting fellowship. I had a lot of issues with every step. I had problems with church, staff even how I thought “it should be run”. People would ask me if I had such issues why did I “go to church”. They would ask why do even I go to church. My only answer was “I expect God to show up in my house (heart) - so I show up in his (church “dwelling”). I knew God blessed me with a unique talent & without proper maturity I was concerned “I could be easily led or fooled” into disgracing that gift. In my eyes the bible “held its own for 1000’s of years as truth” & I love discovering truth. An actual relationship with God not yet on any radar. Just the “list” of what to do. Even with all my “issues” my first real pastor had a gift for bible study & then sermons. One of my first church services I remember the pastor asking this question:
What is your passion & what is your mission? He further explained “you get out of bed for a PASSION but your willing to die for your MISSION (ie: missionaries)”.
That stuck with me. Starting out in my practice people were constantly pressuring me “to do everything”…to become successful, make money or the coveted “how to create a money stream without the effort”. All good things to consider but I struggled with either saying “no” or “not feeling guilty about saying no”. During that same time, I had other family concerns at home so saying “yes to all possible opportunities” was going to overwhelm me & or my system. I sat down with the question “what is my passion?”.
Many things came to mind including “making profitable streams of income etc”. Nothing came to mind that would make me “leap out of bed” in the morning. In my old “job” I used to tell myself “if I could just heal/help one person it will be all worthwhile”. In hindsight, I have helped assist many people improve even heal their lives & it’s a wonderful feeling but that is not what pushes me out of bed in the morning. You think it would be more than enough. For whatever reason - it doesn’t'. It feels good but it doesn’t “last”.
I realized it had to be more specific. So I inquired within myself the next question. What is my MISSION in life…what would I die for? I heard or felt clearly - to stop the cycle of abuse. I thought wow that’s a tough one - how would I even begin that effort? I have no military or counseling skills & the thought never occurred to me before that moment. After a little more searching I realized there are so many people “saving lives today” & those people may never “actually stop (completely)” domestic abuse or human trafficking but they do their part & pass the baton. What was my part going to be? I thought what can I do? Walking in the direction of these questions I reflected upon my life.
During my craniosacral training I was told over & over by people that it felt as if I was “holding their heart in my hands”. In that moment, I started to “hear” - “heal the human heart a little bit each day”. Such a simple statement seem to spark a small fire in me. It made me realize…I would get out of bed for that passion. Although I prefer to be more of a morning person i still do not “jump out of bed” at the first alarm. But my heart responds to this statement even if I don’t actively think about it. It’s almost as if it’s original programming. That I never heard running in the background. I don’t really have to pay attention to it. But when days are hard & I have to jump through hoops for someone or something “the program inside my heart” hums louder as if to say - this is your mission. Don’t stop.
Recently I heard the phrase “you don’t look up for your purpose - you pray it down”. I’m praying it down. I pray any ability I have been given is multiplied by the power of Jesus Christ & he continues to reveal to me who I am & where I need to stand. Strengthen my stance to be a spiritual warrior in the fight to stop the cycle of abuse. Use or transform my ability to remove trauma from the body & promote awareness/acceptance of any plague of denial in our world today. Empower me to build an army of godly people to pass the baton of living for others. More of you. Less of me. Let me be an altar for your shining glory & thank you for my life.